
This blog was 'born" the same year my first daughter was. I started it with the intent to blog about the joys, and happiness; everything motherhood was, right? I went down the rabbit hole. And I mean... uhhhh DODOWNNN the rabbit hole. I had severe post partum depression and anxiety. My once "fairytale" blog turned into this thing that became raw and open and I guess it struck a chord with a few people. You can find the "old Ashley" here ;) I didn't realize it at the time, but connecting with mamas from all over the world who were facing the struggles I was, was incredibly therapeutic for me. And as I dug out of the PPD hole, I held onto the blog- sticking with the theme of "this is me." I wrote about baby poop, and sleepless nights, and sucky trips to the grocery store. Because that's REAL. Starting this newbie blog (but a continuation from the old one I suppose) I will absolutely stick with the same theme; what you see is what you get. And that's about it! XO Ash PS- THANKS FOR BEING HERE