
I’m going to drop the line: “this is us” and wrap it up short + sweet:) 

-his name is Ryan
-he’s my hubs
-we met when I was 15 & he was 16
-he asked me to marry him when we were 20
-we said “I do” when we were 22
-we moved into an apartment in Jackson, Michigan 
- a few weeks after moving in, our apartment flooded and damaged EVVVVVERYTHING. 
-the apartment complex upgraded us to a two bedroom apartment with a balcony (fo free)  because of the flooding, and THATS where we brought Lola Beans the boxer home. 
-I cooked cakes, and took Lola on walks. 
-Ryan worked the longest days/nights ever at Culligan. 
-January 1st 2007, & champagne brought us our WORLD. 
-Maeve was born in October 2007 & I fell into ta pit of postpartum depression and anxiety. 
-it took a year of counseling, medication, patience, and God’s grace until I could catch a foothold to climb out. 
-we built our house on Pemberton lane with our own two hands.  
-my hands picked out the carpet in Maeve’s nursery and Ryan strung the electrical cording through the walls. 
-HENRY MAN entered our life in November of 2009 & then we stared to get the comments, “OH!  So now because you have a boy & a girl, are you two done?”
-A year after Henry was born I announced my 3rd pregnancy with STELLY JU,  by taking a picture of a jar of “PREGO” spaghetti sauce. 
-we officially foreclosed on our home in 2010. 
-we gutted our house, sold everything  we had, and moved to St. Augustine, Florida 
-In June of 2011, Ryan in a uhal,  the kids and I in a minivan,  left the driveway that held our cemented handprints & headed south. 
-my parents paid our rent for the first few months. 
-we enrolled in WIC
-miss Rosalie began growing in my belly 
-Ryan commuted an hour to & from work, to literally put food on the table. 
-we welcome sweet Rose in October of 2013
-6 months after Rose was born Ryan & I faced the reality that we needed two incomes;  I’d be going back to work ... somewhere .... anywhere 🤷🏼‍♀️
-at a completely, ordinary, regular Sunday, I took communion and praid speficiacally for financial direction. 
-a few days later I got a phone call that changed our lives
-after praying & talking with Ryan, I signed up with Young Living. 
-and then everything exploded. 
-we’re currently holding onto life with all we’ve got, while raising 4 kiddos, managing a million dollar business, and focusing on what WE feel is important; His Word, His promises, and mercies.  Experiences, time, words, relationships, and words are what we’re trying to gather, and preserve. 

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