
Ry and I are high school sweethearts.  I remember day dreaming in math class about what we'd name our kids.  When we said "I do" & actually got preggo, it was a WHOLE. NEW. WORLD.  And not really the one I dreamed about during trig.

Parenting is just wild.  And I'm assuming my "audience" (moms) would agree.  That's not to say there aren't GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, "let me steal this moment forever" times.  OMG.  That's totally true.  But you also need to know parenting is very hard.  VERY HARD.  And we never get it right.  We just keep trying.

Our oldest, Maeve (pronounced MAYVE- like SAVE), was our intro into parenthood.  Feel free to browse through the old blog to see how that went.  I mean, eventually we got things figured out but I legit almost ended up in a mental home.  She has the memory of an elephant, the coordination of her aunties (her aunties are profesh ballerinas) and a heart of gold  Big sis, sweet babe. She's my Mae.

Our ONLY boy, is the sweetest boy in the world and ain't nobody gonna change my mind.  He's the sweetest.  He's like gooey honey sweet!  He LOVES his sisters and is a clone of Ryan.  He loves routine, and holidays.  He's a tad obsessed with Disney, and the smartest kid I know.

Our STELLA JUNE is "that kid" - the one who goes left when we go right.  She has her own beat, and she dances to it all day, every day.  She makes me laugh like no one can and she's the fiercest little lover.  She wants to save every animal in the world and wants to know the tiniest of tiny details.  The kid will use her allowance on how to train a rabbit... (we don't have a rabbit).

AND ROSALIE!!!!  She's the baby, and she knows it.  And it kind of sucks but at the same time she IS the baby... so.... IDK.  Anyways she's as cute as a cupcake and as ladylike as the Queen!  She's SUCH a daddy's girl, but sometimes I'll get lucky and she'll hold my hand :)  She will only wear dresses and beautiful things, and I don't want her to ever, ever grow up.  

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